Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Keyblade - Reflection

The final was one of my favorites because it was also a free design, there were really no restrictions in what we could do with the materials.  My overall idea was making a “Keyblade” which was an object from a video game of my childhood called Kingdom Hearts.  This game was really influential to me growing up and was a deciding factor in who I would become today.  This is one of the reasons why I aspire to become a video game designer or something close to it.

                I enjoyed working with this project because I could have done anything.  The freedom to do whatever you wanted on a project made it seem less like a project and more like a fun hobby.  The materials I used were wood and cardboard: two materials I feel really comfortable with.  Overall I really liked the outcome of the project but I could have done more.  When I was putting it together it didn’t form together as well as I thought.  The handles were difficult to attach and that ended in me taking off a layer and adding more glue which made it a mess.

                I also put examples of some I made in the past to show how I wanted it to look in the end.  I learned a few things and that will help me whenever I do something like this again.

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